Mobility Methanol-ammonia hybrid engine unveiled to the world: No one expected what happened then 08/01/2025
Science 200 quintillion per gram and a huge explosion: This is the most powerful energy in the universe 08/01/2025
Mobility Electricity and hydrogen are the most powerful fuels: What if we fused them? This car has done it 07/01/2025
Science First dinosaurs, then humans: This will be the next species to create a civilization 07/01/2025
Energy Say goodbye to solar panels: The future is this photovoltaic ceramic 1000 times better 07/01/2025
Science Tachyon, the only faster-than-light particle in the universe: Experts are still looking for it 06/01/2025
Energy This wind turbine was a prediction of the Ancient Greeks: Now it will change the world 06/01/2025
Mobility BYD’s worst nightmare has begun: The legendary brand jumps to China and the war begins 05/01/2025
Science Liquid water ocean evidence discovered in Mars: It’s a nightmare to NASA as it means this 04/01/2025
Energy This machine is absorbing the atmosphere: It buries it under this sea next to America 04/01/2025
Mobility This is the First-Ever Stripy Wind Turbine: It’s the End of Solar Panels with This Effect 03/01/2025
Energy Russia on the Verge of Cutting Off Gas to the World: It’s Needed to Carry Out Its Latest Plan 02/01/2025
Science Oldest living thing on Earth found in this forest: 80,000 years old and still growing 02/01/2025
Mobility Elon Musk is creating his own city in Texas: America shocked with this eccentric plan 01/01/2025
Energy This magical point in America is producing energy with water alone: 7000 MW and trillion liters 01/01/2025
Mobility The 5 less reliable car brands in 2024 unveiled: You won’t believe where Tesla is 31/12/2024
Science Star of Bethlehem finally discovered: It’s moving through this point in the universe 31/12/2024
Mobility NASA finds the fuel that will take us to Mars in 45 days: It’s better than hydrogen and plasma 30/12/2024
Science Huge reservoir of water around a black hole: It’s enough to fill quatrillions of oceans 30/12/2024
Energy Experts find something better than hydrogen: It could be inside white rocks in America 30/12/2024
Mobility Toyota said it would “never produce this fuel”: We’ve discovered the first car that runs on it 29/12/2024
Energy The largest treasaure in history, found under the sea: It would take millennia to extract it 29/12/2024
Mobility This fuel has been known for 10 million years: No brand in the world has dared to use it 28/12/2024
Science First rocket to come out of the galaxy designed: 300 times more powerful than nuclear fusion 28/12/2024
Mobility It was the most ignored fuel in the world: This carmaker has finally dared to create an engine 27/12/2024
Science South Korean Army develops secret Star Wars weapon: It’s capable of blowing up a country 27/12/2024
Mobility Octanol, the strange fuel America doesn’t know about: Here’s how the first car using it works 26/12/2024
Science This satellite has been in space for 50 years: It just moved, and no one knows who did it 26/12/2024
Mobility Hydrogen-ammonia hybrid engine ignited for the first time: No one expected what happened next 25/12/2024
Science It would take us 10 septillion years to be that intelligent: Google superchip is the future of mankind 25/12/2024
Energy Goodbye to throwing food away at home: Here’s how you convert it into free electricity 25/12/2024
Energy This “strange UFO” has been found in the desert: It has a huge metallic object glowing 24/12/2024
Mobility Elon Musk unveils first sub-$30,000 Tesla: It’s futuristic, strange and extremely efficient 23/12/2024
Science Largest living organism found in America: 2240 acres and 35,000 tons brown in color 23/12/2024